Salary Reports

2025 Small Nonprofits Big Impact | Talent Challenges and Opportunities

Small Nonprofits Big Impact | Talent Challenges and Opportunities provides talent management support for smaller nonprofit organizations with two million dollars or less in the operating budget. The report shares current compensation data for key positions, identifies significant hiring and retention trends, and recognizes the impact of social and governmental challenges on small nonprofits. It also provides strategic, creative approaches for smaller nonprofits navigating cultural and regulatory changes in talent management.

2025 Nonprofit Compensation Practices & Benchmarking Report

The 2025 Nonprofit Compensation Practices and Benchmarking Report shares current compensation data for key positions within a nonprofit organization, identifies significant hiring and retention trends, and monitors the social and governmental challenges impacting talent management. The national report provides salaries for thirty-eight senior and mid-level executive positions, by organizational budget size (under $2 Million to over $250 Million). This information can help managers navigate hiring and retention of key talent.

Download the 2025 Small Nonprofits Big Impact | Talent Challenges and Opportunities Report and/or the 2025 Nonprofit Compensation Practices and Benchmarking Report.